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Gal Arav Visits Yad Eliezer

by Shalvi Weissman

0 Comments | Wednesday, January 16, 2013 under Food Boxes

Close to a million dollars worth of food is donated to Yad Eliezer each year. Most of it is collected by kids and teens in their neighborhoods and arrives at the warehouse in huge crates. Some comes directly from the factories or fields. But I had yet to see a box like the one that Gal Arev brought to the warehouse. It was clearly the efforts of a family project infused with inspiration and love. I called Gal and asked him to meet with me and tell me a little bit more about it.

“We wanted to do something special for Chanuka. It’s the festival of light, and what better way to celebrate than to bring some light into someone else’s life? I explained the idea to my kids, and they ‘got it’ right away. They went to friends and neighbors to collect the food, and had a good time decorating the box with a holiday motif. It’s hard to ask people to donate money, but who could refuse to give food to those who need it? Especially around the holidays I feel that it is important to be concerned with others. It makes my own family celebration so much more meaningful when I know that we have also given someone else reason to celebrate. I had heard about Yad Eliezer from a colleague at work who is a donor, and I looked at their website and was impressed with what I saw.

“I send my children to schools in Ra’anana that give them a positive value system, but it isn’t enough to rely on professionals to make our kids into caring and responsible adults. It’s something that they have to absorb at home. My parents taught me a value system that has guided my life, and I strive to do the same for my children.

“In today’s world there is a lot of talk about saving the environment. In Hebrew the term used for the environment is איכות �”ס�‘י�‘�”. I am all for recycling, but the literal translation means the ‘quality of the surroundings’. It is important to teach our children to care for our natural surroundings, but we cannot forget about the people that surround us. Sometimes I am concerned that the emphasis on environmental causes is at the expense of the poor human beings in our society. The poverty statistics in Israel are staggering. The political realities of a government that must constantly concern itself with Israel’s defense unfortunately leaves social issues at the bottom of the agenda, and it is the most vulnerable people in society who suffer because of it. The schools have their curriculum, but as a parent I think that this sort of family project is a great way to enrich my children’s education.

“I enjoyed meeting the staff at Yad Eliezer, and I hope to be involved again in the future, particularly around the holidays.”

A big thank you Gal and the whole Arev family. What a pleasure it is too see how the hope for a better future unites all of - for the benefit of all of those that surround us!


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