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produce and groceries on a kitchen counter

Pictures Worth a Thousand…Thanks

Food support so impactful it warrants a photo

by KR

0 Comments | Wednesday, February 26, 2025 under Matanot L'Evyonim, Food Support

At B’ezri we receive so many thank you notes every month, heartfelt and unsolicited expressions of gratitude for the support we provide needy families in numerous ways. But to be honest, we don’t often receive photographs.

When we do, and in this case especially, when they accompanied a thank you note, they genuinely speak even louder than words: a kitchen counter covered in fresh produce, pantry staples and essentials? To most, they're simple, amateur images. But to the one who took them, they're intentional. And they say everything.

They tell the story of the parent who could confidently walk into the supermarket, and accomplish an incredible feat: buy different kinds of food for their family.
It's the story of the child (or children) who will sit down to warm, nourishing meals. 
The story of the Shabbos or Yom Tov table that will be laden with chicken or meat and family favorites.

The pictures tell the story of an accomplishment so impactful, that the recipient who photographed the haul felt the need to document it. To express their appreciation. Their gratitude, their excitement. And to say, “here is what your help made possible!”

Because when prices are soaring, incomes are minimal, and need is overwhelming, a stocked kitchen isn’t just a convenience—it’s a lifeline. It’s the difference between stress and relief. Between scarcity and contentment. Between a sparse table and a dignified family meal. And that’s what B’ezri provides: not just groceries, but peace of mind. Not just support, but the ability for families to cope, nourish, and even celebrate

Sometimes, gratitude isn’t just expressed in words—it’s captured in a photo, a silent but profound testament to
the power of your support.
Your generosity creates moments worth capturing.



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