For over thirty years we've been alleviating hunger in needy homes throughout Israel.
And our help is needed now more than ever.
Recent poverty reports cite that 21% of Israeli families live in nutritional insecurity.
9.7% of those live in severe nutritional insecurity, so that the most basic daily foods are beyond reach. With prices significantly rising, the situation continually worsens, and countless families are in crisis.
But as always, American Friends of Yad Eliezer | B'ezri is driven to bring relief for as many as possible through our Food Support program.
As an Israeli charity with decades of experience, we've developed our program into one that is at the highest level of efficiency, cost effectiveness and, true to our tradition - dignity. We have relationships with major supermarket chains, where we’ve set up a store credit system that families use, to shop easily and at their convenience.
•Recipients can choose which chain is best for their needs (due to branch location, choice of products, etc.)
•They can shop on their own schedules and are saved any embarrassment from a public food distribution
•The assistance enables families to purchase healthy food staples such as fresh fruits and vegetables, which are otherwise out of budget
•Supplemental support around holiday times help families make yom tov respectably
•Aid allows them to buy ingredients to prepare foods that are traditional and well-loved in their homes. Choosing exactly which products they and their families enjoy, brings households a sense of normalcy and stability.
Helping families function at the most dignified level possible is at the core of our mission, and our financially sound procedures keep our overhead incredibly low: Ninety six percent of each dollar you donate goes straight to putting food on the table in Israel’s neediest households.
We need your help to keep struggling Israeli families from living with hunger. Please join us as we, instead, provide them with nourishment - and dignity.
Thousands of families in Israel can barely afford food year-round, let alone the exorbitant prices of matza, wine, and chicken at Pesach time. We can change that.
For over 20 years, we've been helping needy couples make their wedding celebrations, saving families from incurring terrible debt. To date over 15,000 couples have celebrated their special day with dignity.
This fund was established to help orphan brides & grooms in need, by supplying them with brand new basic appliances, so they can set up their homes just like anyone else.
Send these cheerful cards to your friends and relatives in lieu of mishloach manot, and help needy families in Israel celebrate Purim at the same time!