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Five Ways to Make it a Better Summer

(They're easy, and effective too)

by KR

0 Comments | Thursday, June 27, 2024 under Kol Kallah Bridal Fund, Summer Relief Campaign, adopt a wedding, Agunos, Grushos & Melamdim, Stand With Israel

Somehow, the summer has arrived. I say "somehow" because though it may sound extreme, it's no exaggeration: in Israel people are still feeling like it's Simchas Torah. 

Yet, summer is here and with its arrival, come numerous challenges for needy families. The season is long and hot, difficult to get through without the structure of school or affordable day camps, without stable incomes and with lots of expenses that only increase. 

So with the knowledge that together we can do something to help struggling parents with their challenges over the summer (we operate as a leading Israeli charity thanks to your partnership!), here are five programs you can contribute to, that will make a difference:

1. Summer Relief campaign-the most obvious, this tailor made campaign provides tzedaka to families specifically to get them through the summer. Support is provided to assist with camp fees (ensuring kids have a program to participate in), pay for utility, food and other urgent bills, and cover additional needs that arise specifically during the summer months.

2. Keren Almanos-this fund supports over 900 almanos who are raising their 6000+ children, alone. Each month we wire a custom assigned stipend to each almana's bank account to ease expenses for her family and nurture stability in her home. Since this is an especially hard time of the year, almanos receive an extra stipend during the summer which is a great help.

3. Adopt a Wedding/Kol Kallah-summer is wedding season and we certainly feel it at B'ezri, with the surge of simcha requests that have come in. Sponsorships through Adopt a Wedding ease the strain for needy families who are making weddings and help them celebrate respectably, without going into debt. Kol Kallah donations give needy brides the opportunity to buy home goods and personal items in preparation for their weddings so they start out with the basics.

4. Agunos, Grushos and Melamdim-there is unfortunately often a stigma associated with single mothers like grushos and agunos, which tends to influence people's attitudes and the types of support these women receive from the public. Not so for us. B'ezri is there to provide them with aid they desperately need to keep their families' necessities met, especially during the summer. Funds for melamdim assist with meat and chicken purchases, particularly helpful during the summer months when expenses are increased and salaries are often reduced.

5. Stand with Israel campaign-this summer is laden with challenges for families affected by the war. Parents and children are still displaced, especially in the north where attacks have been intensified. Families are struggling with expenses due to war-related job losses, trauma-based therapy needs have increased and people are battling other issues never encountered before. Donations to this fund will continue to offset expenses and help stabilize homes this summer when school is out and uncertainty reigns.

These are just five ways to help families over the next few weeks but thankfully we have over 15 programs that make an impact on countless lives. Each of our programs could constitute its own charity organization! Check out additional ways to make a difference here.



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