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A Taste of Gratitude

Your Shavuot support really made an impact!

by KR

0 Comments | Thursday, June 13, 2024 under shavuot

They weren't expecting it.
Shavuot was quickly approaching and families were scrambling to figure out how to make a dignified Yom Tov with all they are battling this year. But then help arrived-from B'ezri. And thanks to our intervention, their holidays exceeded expectations.
Over 3,000 needy families were able to celebrate chag with happiness, kavod, and a sigh of relief.

Your tzedaka made it happen. Yom Tov has only just passed but the thanks have been streaming in. In honor of the holiday, here's just "a taste": 

From one of our gabbei tzedaka:
"I want to tell your donors what happened today, when I was visited by an avrech who received help from B’ezri to buy food for Shavuot. He came into the room and began to cry. Here is what he said:

'This morning, my daughter asked for money to buy a few ingredients so she could bake a cake for Shavuot. I told her, ‘Maybe it’s not k’dai, we don’t really need it…’ What could I say? That I didn’t have a shekel to give her? That my credit card was already over the limit and my bank account was frozen? But she continued, ‘In everyone’s houses they have so many cakes for the chag. What about us?’
I left the room and began to daven, ‘Hashem, please, Abba, help me…a cake for Shavuot…that’s all my daughter wants…’”
“In the afternoon I received a call from B’ezri that I should come pick up a food voucher! I couldn’t believe it..'

In this man’s house and in so many others, they were able to make a dignified chag. I can’t begin to tell you how much it is appreciated and what a difference it made.
תורה תחילתה חסד וסופה חסד"

From single mothers: 
"Yasher Koach, B’ezri!
As a single mother I was so, so excited to receive the package of dairy products for Shavuot, it was such a treat and so practical, full of delicious items for chag. 
I have so much on my shoulders, so many expenses and challenges of different kinds. The continuous struggle is really difficult and discouraging and draining-financially and emotionally. And now, Shavuot is here, and my son can’t sit and learn with his father. Your thoughtfulness and initiative really warms my heart, bringing the two of us so much happiness. Receiving a gift like this is not something we take for granted! It really is very touching. We are so thrilled. Even more than the contents of the package, is the value of your commitment to helping us and thinking of us, knowing how much we are going through. 
I can’t thank you enough, may you be blessed from Shamayim!"
Edna D.

"Shavuot was arriving and I was sitting at home, davening from the bottom of my heart: '?מאין מאין יבוא עזרי'
And then, just a few hours later, your package arrived, fullllll of products for Yom Tov. I can't describe my reaction, I was so incredibly happy!! I want to thank you for a donation that is so moving and dignified. I really felt how Hashem is here “בעזרי” and hears my tefillot. I am sending a huge thank you. May Hashem bring you joy and brachos in everything you do and may you continue to be a source of chesed for Am Yisrael."

Orit M.


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