Yad Eliezer Always Remembers...
Widows and orphans plus so many others
by Karen Reiffman
0 Comments | Thursday, October 03, 2019
Food Boxes,
Surplus Produce,
Shabbat Chicken,
Big Brothers and Big Sisters Program,
Widow and Orphan Fund,
Job Training,
Emergency Fund,
Adopt-a-Wedding ,
Bar Mitzvah Project,
Holiday Fund,
Shalhevet Early Learning Initiative
Judaism places an important emphasis on the act of remembering
We remember what Amalek did to the Jewish people on the way out of Egypt. In our collective consciousness we remember
leaving Egypt and recall the story every year during the Pesach seder. We say
Yizkor on four holidays throughout the year to remember loved ones we’ve lost, committing to do a mitzvah in their memory, and on their yartzeits we try to do the same. We just celebrated Rosh Hashana, which, of its several names, is also called Yom HaZikaron (Day of Remembrance). There are various reasons why, but included in them is our hope that G-d remembers the positive things we did during the past year, but will also remember to keep us in the Book of Life for the coming one.
Yad Eliezer's excellent memory
Yad Eliezer happens to be excellent at remembering. In time for Rosh HaShana this year, just like the years before it, we remembered to send a beautiful gift to the
almanos who are part of our
Widows and Orphans Fund. A huge box, full of brand new, thick, colorful towel sets of varying size was sent to each woman’s home. Yad Eliezer understands the needs of these women, who struggle every day with the intense pain of losing their husbands and also with the financial burden of raising their children alone. With so many expenses in the home that are a challenge to cover-food, clothes, new shoes, tuition, holiday costs...something as simple, yet crucial, as new towels for a family are often not in the budget. But they’re necessities and having nice, new ones make a significant impact on the environment in the home.
“My children were so excited when we opened the box, especially at the ability of each, to choose a towel of their own...”
“I haven’t been able to buy new towels for years..”
“This was a beautiful, useful and thoughtful gift!”
were just a few of the many comments and thanks that came in from recipients.
Who else we keep in mind
And Yad Eliezer remembers so many others in need, both in time for the holidays and during the rest of the year as well. The families facing
emergencies, children who require
learning assistance and
cancer patients and their families,
needy IDF soldiers,
hungry babies….the
list goes on and on. We are proud to be a Jerusalem charity whose help stretches across the country and makes a difference on so many levels. And we’re grateful for our donors, who have an exceptional memory, as they reach out through us, to generously help those who need it most.
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