yad eliezer devoted to israel

American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

Donating in USD


Food Programs


The tradition of Kapparot involves waving a chicken, fish or sum of money over the heads of each person in the family which is later given to the poor.



Costs of dairy prices in Israel are higher than ever. Help poor families in time for Shavuot and they'll be able to have traditional foods on their Yom Tov tables.


Holiday Fund: Food Vouchers For The Hungry of Israel

Since 1989, we have been privileged to help thousands of poor families create happy holiday memories through distribution of food vouchers and aid for necessities.


Rosh Hashana, High Holiday Donation Opportunities

Help needy families with food purchases in honor of the High Holidays. Together we can bring them a sense of celebration, making it a happier new year.


Year End

Your year end, tax deductible gift can change lives through our 20+ social service programs. Every donation makes a difference.


Holidays for IDF soldiers

While we celebrate the holidays, IDF soldiers defend us on the front lines. Some of them live in poverty and cannot afford proper holiday meals. Let’s not forget them. Together we can give them a taste of the holidays!


17th of Tammuz & 9th of Av

Show ahavat chinam, help bring joy and relief during the saddest 3 weeks of the Jewish year.


Help the Needy of Israel on Passover

Thousands of families in Israel can barely afford food year-round, let alone the exorbitant prices of matza, wine, and chicken at Pesach time. We can change that.


Stand With Israel

The tragedies of October 7th have thrown countless lives into turmoil. Help us help IDF soldiers with vital equipment, displaced families with basic needs, struggling families in the south with necessities and others who are suffering.


Food Support

Going hungry is a part of daily life for countless Israeli families. Our Food Support program alleviates that hunger for parents and children throughout the country. You can help.


Feed A Baby In Israel

The Feed-a-Baby program answers the cries of hungry infants across Israel by providing the nutrition necessary for development during the first months of life.


Agunos, Grushos & Melamdim

Provide help for struggling single mothers, wives who've been left alone and teachers who scrape to get by.


Bread and Milk

Impoverished families are often unable to buy groceries to feed their families. "Groceries" doesn't mean extras. Sometimes it means even the most basic items like bread and milk.


Shabbat Chicken Program

Donate to a family in urgent financial crisis and know that through your generosity one more Israeli family will celebrate a festive Shabbat with chicken on the table.


Social Programs

Emergency Financial Assistance Fund

We provide emergency financial assistance for thousands of families each year. Please support this life saving project by giving generously.


Winter Warmth Campaign

Join us in distributing new, quality winter coats and thick quilts for those who can't afford to purchase them. Keep families warm this winter.


Back to School Campaign

If there's no money in the home to pay for food, there's no money to buy school supplies. We give kids-in-need the opportunity to buy new supplies, so they can start their school year off with dignity-just like everyone else.


Summer Relief Campaign

With impoverished kids stuck at home, leaving parents unable to go to work, the loss of income makes an already difficult situation even worse. No money to buy food or pay the electric bill makes summer unbearable. We can bring relief.


Meron Crisis Relief Campaign

We are here to anticipate the needs of victims' families, providing them with a shoulder to lean on while they try to make their way through this unimaginable crisis.


Electricity Support

Provide emergency relief for suffering families by ensuring their lights, heat and other necessities can stay connected.


Yizkor Donation- Commemorate a Loved One

Giving charity is a powerful way to memorialize the passing of a loved one. Donate for Yizkor or in honor of a Yahrtzeit today.


Widows and Orphans Fund

The Widows and Orphans Fund supports hundreds of families monthly with dignity, by coordinating a range of services for those who have experienced untimely loss.


Zichron Yehuda Leib Job Training Program

We break the cycle of poverty by enabling individuals and families to become self-sufficient, giving them the skills they need to become productive in a trade or profession.


Arrange For Kaddish For a Loved One

Arrange Kaddish prayer services for a loved one while supporting our poverty relief programs.


Keren Almanos

The Almanos Fund helps widows in need, who still have children at home, with costs ranging from daily living expenses to medical treatments and weddings for their kids. Help us alleviate some of their pain by lightening some of their burden.



Matanot L'evyonim, Purim Donations

This year, celebrate Purim with us! Your matanot l’evyonim donations feed thousands of families in Israel.


Appliance Packages for Orphans

This fund was established to help orphan brides & grooms in need, by supplying them with brand new basic appliances, so they can set up their homes just like anyone else.


Sponsor a Bar Mitzvah Through Our Twinning Program

Help a bar mitzvah boy from a needy family celebrate his special milestone, with sponsorship of tefillin or a bar mitzvah package. Twinning with your loved one's bar mitzvah is a beautiful and meaningful way to commemorate your simcha.


Kol Kallah Lev Georgie Bridal Fund

Help build a Jewish home by enabling impoverished brides to purchase basic linens and housewares.



For over 20 years, we've been helping needy couples make their wedding celebrations, saving families from incurring terrible debt. To date over 15,000 couples have celebrated their special day with dignity.

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