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225 in 35

Yishrei Lev students know how to make the most of their time

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Day in and day out, individuals and groups of volunteers arrive at the Yad Eliezer Jerusalem warehouse to pack food boxes with essentials for needy Israeli families.  Sometimes they come in honor of a special occasion, like a Bat or Bar Mitzvah in Israel, and other times they'll come just because they want to do a special act of chesed. And, we're so glad they do. After all, the boxes are crucial. They serve as a consistent, reliable source of food security for recipients, helping to stabilize the situation in homes where a full refrigerator is never a given. 

With a tremendous amount of need in Israel, at least 5,000 boxes must be packed each month. And with so much to do we really appreciate every pair of helping hands that comes our way. So when students from Yeshivat Yishrei Lev visited the warehouse recently, we expected that some good, solid work would get done. But we didn't anticipate just how much. In just 35 minutes, 31 students, 1 teacher and 3 cute kids managed to pack and seal 225 boxes which, according warehouse staff, is unprecedented! We can't thank the Yishrei Lev students enough for their incredible effort and results. 

Think you can beat Yishrei Lev's record? How many boxes can you pack in 35 minutes? Contact us to arrange your own visit to our warehouse and find out! 



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