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Rave Reviews for our Annual Report

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Readers confirm: Yad Eliezer is one of Israel's best charity organizations

We are proud and honored over the feedback we've received about our Annual Report. It's being read and enjoyed cover to cover..

"Your Annual Report is tremendous! REALLY superb! The best yet.
You guys keep doing it better every year. 

Kol hakavode on the report but, of course, FAR MORE significantly on what the Report REPORTS--ALL that you accomplish, ALL the individuals --the babies, the soldiers, the elderly, so many, many others -- and families you help, ALL the good that you do!

Hubert Humphrey had a marvelous quote:
“The test of government is how it treats children in the dawn of life, old people in the twilight of life and the poor in the shadows of life.” 

Yad Eliezer is serving those groups--and more--so beautifully.
Kol hakavod! Tizku l'mitzvot! THANK YOU!!"


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