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Yizkor Messages

Memories that inspire chesed

by KR

0 Comments | Thursday, October 10, 2024 under Yizkor Donations

"I'm sending this Yizkor tzedaka for a needy family for Yom Tov, l'ilui nishmas my wonderful parents, who taught us what it means to be Nosei b'ol Im Chaveiro."

"This donation is made in memory of my loving father, l'ilui nishmaso. Just like your organization, he was passionately committed to tzedaka and helping his fellow Jew."

"Le'ilui Nishmat our beloved grandfather R'Meir ben R'Yosef. His life mission was Am Yisrael. He would love to know we are donating to your war campaign in his memory. May we all win this war against all our enemies. Amen! AM ISRAEL CHAI!"

These are some of the many beautiful sentiments, the inspiration behind donations we receive. They are a perfect example of how our loved ones' values stay with us, inspiring us to help others. It ensures those values, dear to them, become important to us as well.

We know how transformative the power of giving tzedaka is. It not only helps with immediate needs but it goes beyond. It also uplifts. At B'ezri we see this every day, in reactions like this: 

"I simply have no words to thank you for what you've done. You stepped in, on your own, to reach out and help me -a perfect stranger! You have no idea how much this touches my heart. You've genuinely helped me!" 
The impact of every donation - for food, a utility bill, help with a tuition fee, baby formula, a wedding, a medical expense...touches the heart of every recipient. And every donation made in memory of a loved one, is a testament to their legacy - ensuring their spirit continues to inspire acts of chesed long after they are gone.

In these trying days especially, when Am Yisrael is up against so much and families are struggling on multiple fronts, these acts of chesed are what give us strength.

With Yizkor of Yom Kippur and Shmini Atzeres on our doorstep, it is the perfect time to continue to honor our loved ones' legacies while helping families who are so desperately in need. 

We too can be Nosei b'ol im Chaveiro. We too can be passionately commited to tzedaka. And together, we can make Am Yisrael our mission.


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