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women sitting in chairs listening to a woman speaking at a microphone

Relationships. Refreshments. Rejuvenation

Almanos react to a special day out just for them

by KR

0 Comments | Tuesday, July 23, 2024 under Keren Almanos

"When I was told about the upcoming Hineni B’Yadcha event, I didn’t know exactly what to expect …but wow, I can’t put into words how happy I am that I was able to attend.”

That's  just one of the many positive reactions following the recent day-long B’ezri-sponsored seminar for 120 almanos that was held in Jerusalem-a day of inspiring lectures, of good food and learning. And thanks to the variety in programming that included music and comedy workshops, it was also a day of song and laughter, critical benefits for women who are going through so much. Perhaps most important of all, it was a day that provided an opportunity for the participants to branch out and meet new people-a vital way to combat the loneliness that pervades their lives.

A coordinator’s take on the day

Rivki, a coordinator in our Keren Almanos shared her insights about the day with us:
“The almanos really enjoyed meeting one another, they approached new people and made new connections. The spread was wonderful: a cheesecake bar and fruit trays along with coffee and cold drinks. Later there were beautifully laid fleishig meals, too.

The women really enjoyed the programming and didn’t stop talking about how much koach it gave them. Most didn’t recognize me by face and when I identified myself they rushed to hug me and tell me how much B’ezri’s support helps them, providing shalvas nefesh, financial stability and calm. Many of them mentioned the respectful and discreet way in which B’ezri gives assistance so no one ever feels humiliated, having to ask for help. Many noted that we are the only fund for almanos that sends money straight to their bank accounts,  the most effective kind of support.

But everyone stressed how much positive and rejuvenating energy events such as this one provides. One almana, I’ll call her “Dina”, said how important this day was for her, she really enjoys meeting other almanos and making new friends, which helps her have more like-minded people in her life.”

Participants felt recharged and rejuvenated

The Hineni B'Yadcha program provided tremendous emotional benefit to the women. The ability to "get away" from the daily grind and have a unique outing planned specifically for them, was an opportunity that doesn't come along often.

“A huge Yasher Koach!! It was a wonderful, unique day, like it was tailor made for me. With Siyata D’shmaya, each program was successful and educational in its own way, full of content and information to take home. The whole event came out mamash perfect, there are not enough words that can properly describe it. We came out feeling recharged for days, almost like after a week of vacation. Yasher Koach for this initiative, the planning and the perfect execution. May you be blessed with all the brachos.”

“It is both a chiyuv and a zechut to say thank you…
For arranging an event like this…
For creating a wonderful change of environment, with singing! And laughing!
For helping us learn new things…
Helping us make connections, get spiritually rejuvenated…there’s nothing like it
For treating us to beautiful meals and wonderful programs…
Giving us strength to continue…
I wish the sponsors could see the joy and happiness on the faces of all the women…
So since it is my chiyuv and zechut to give my thanks, I will do exactly that-from the bottom of my heart, thank you!”

Our Keren Almanos is proud to have sponsored this quality event. Providing almanos with out-of-the-box types of support (in addition to monthly stipends and financial aid for emergencies, holidays or simchas and a special gift on their birthdays), is what sets us apart as a truly unique charity for Israel. At B'ezri we constantly ask “how else can we help?” and that mantra drives us every day to do all we do, in the best ways possible.


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