American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

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Israel Poverty Relief: Meet American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri

American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri fights to alleviate the effects of poverty, while enabling families to retain a sense of dignity.

With your support we can make a difference.

American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri is a charitable organization whose objective is to combat poverty at its root, through an array of programs that provide critical short-term relief, while facilitating long-term recovery. Among its many initiatives aimed at combating poverty, American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri subsidizes efforts to feed indigent children, families and the frail and elderly. It contributes to efforts to arrange and disseminate food vouchers to the needy which can be redeemed at local supermarkets. 

In addition to subsidizing food for the poor, American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri sponsors job training support that helps recipients complete degrees so they can work toward becoming financially independent. Additionally, American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri provides cash disbursements to thousands of families for a one-time need. Whether due to a medical emergency, unexpected expense or the need to get through a difficult time, this fund alleviates their financial distress and allows them to focus on real issues. These grants often prevent a one-time crisis from forcing a family into a downward spiral of poverty from which they can never escape. The organization also supports efforts to provide monthly stipends to widows running single parent homes and who, despite government financial assistance, have trouble making ends meet. 

Our scrupulous management, countrywide network of volunteers and efficient means of distribution enable us to maintain limited overhead and administrative expenses, distinguishing us and putting us at the top of the Israeli charities list - over 96% of funds go directly to needy families. Our achievements have earned American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri the coveted “4-Star Exceptional” rating from Charity Navigator, which rates organizations based on how effectively and responsibly they utilize donations, and to what extent the charity is growing in terms of programs and services.   

Facts and Figures 2024

♦ 4 stars: Rating from Charity Navigator, the highest possible score indicating an organization's level of stability, efficiency and sustainability
♦ Over 100,000: people who receive help from American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri

♦ More than 60,000: families who are assisted 
♦ $4+ Million: aid being distributed for families affected by war & IDF soldiers

♦ $41 Million: American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri’s annual budget
♦ 96.9: percentage of donations given directly to those in need
♦ 3.1: percentage of overhead costs
♦ 900+: almanos supported with monthly stipends for their families

♦ 20,000+ : weddings subsidized by American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri, to date
♦ Over 6,000: soldiers who receive help from our IDF Holiday program, yearly
♦ $4,403,133+: dollar amount of chicken and supermarket vouchers facilitated by Amercan Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri during the holiday periods
♦ 20+ : American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri programs
♦ 700: malnourished babies who receive formula through monies sent by American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri, monthly
♦ Nearly 100%: Job Training retention rate for programs subsidized by American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri

♦ 197: cities & communities throughout Israel in which the impact of American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri is felt
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