yad eliezer devoted to israel

American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

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Wedding Calendar

Sponsor a wedding for a poor couple in Israel

Think you can’t dance at two weddings?

Sponsor a wedding for a poor couple in Israel on the same night as your own.

To learn more about the Yad Eliezer Adopt-a-Wedding Program, CLICK HERE!

Click on a day you'd like to sponsor

A: Available
R: Reserved
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Shabbat
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sha
26 Tevet 26
2 ReservedR
27 Tevet 27
3 ReservedR
28 Tevet 28
3 ReservedR
29 Tevet 29
2 ReservedR
30 Shevat 1
2 ReservedR
31 Shevat 2
1 Shevat 3
2 Shevat 4
2 ReservedR
3 Shevat 5
½ ReservedR
4 Shevat 6
2 ½ ReservedR
5 Shevat 7
½ AvailableA
6 ½ ReservedR
6 Shevat 8
3 ½ AvailableA
1 ½ ReservedR
7 Shevat 9
8 Shevat 10
9 Shevat 11
3 ½ AvailableA
1 ½ ReservedR
10 Shevat 12
2 ½ AvailableA
2 ½ ReservedR
11 Shevat 13
2 ½ AvailableA
2 ½ ReservedR
12 Shevat 14
1 AvailableA
4 ReservedR
13 Shevat 15
2 AvailableA
3 ReservedR
14 Shevat 16
15 Shevat 17
16 Shevat 18
½ AvailableA
4 ½ ReservedR
17 Shevat 19
5 ReservedR
18 Shevat 20
3 ½ AvailableA
1 ½ ReservedR
19 Shevat 21
2 ½ AvailableA
2 ½ ReservedR
20 Shevat 22 21 Shevat 23
22 Shevat 24
23 Shevat 25
2 AvailableA
3 ReservedR
24 Shevat 26
4 AvailableA
1 ReservedR
25 Shevat 27
4 AvailableA
1 ReservedR
26 Shevat 28
4 AvailableA
1 ReservedR
27 Shevat 29
1 AvailableA
4 ReservedR
28 Shevat 30
1 Adar 1

Sponsor a Wedding in Israel

Step 1: Confirm date
Please click on an available date in the calendar above. You can change this by clicking a different date on the calendar above.
Step 2: Select Sponsorship Level

Step 3: Wedding Vouchers (optional)

Kol Kallah (Voice of the Bride) is a separate fund that provides for needs beyond the weddings themselves. They are delivered in the form of gift certificates redeemable at participating stores in Jerusalem.


Prayer (Optional)

Would you like the bride to pray on behalf of your loved one? Please specify his or her name and any specific matters you would like prayed for.

Step 4: Certificate (optional)

If you would like to receive a beautiful certificate to commemorate your giving a couple in Israel the ultimate wedding gift, please fill out this form.

Please enter the contact information for the method by which you would like to receive the certificate:

Donate Now