Children are taught from an early age that if they witness an emergency, they should immediately call for help.
But for families in need, sometimes an emergency occurs for which there is no number to call: •The utility bill is overdue, so a young couple and their baby find themselves sitting in a dark, frigid apartment in the middle of winter •A child is rushed to the dentist in excruciating pain and needs urgent dental treatment her parents can’t possibly afford •The landlord evicts a single mother and she has no money to move her family's belongings to a different location
True emergency stories like these come into our offices every day. With no savings to fall back on, and often no family support people are left without options, dejectedly trying to figure out how to get through the crisis.
Your Emergency financial assistance is the saving grace that enables the family’s power to get turned back on, provide pain relief for the child, help the single mother move her family to their new home, and fill countless other needs.
Please donate to American Friends of Yad Eliezer | B'ezri's Emergency Fund. You’ll be there to answer their call and make all the difference.
We are here to anticipate the needs of victims' families, providing them with a shoulder to lean on while they try to make their way through this unimaginable crisis.
For over 20 years, we've been helping needy couples make their wedding celebrations, saving families from incurring terrible debt. To date over 15,000 couples have celebrated their special day with dignity.
The tragedies of October 7th have thrown countless lives into turmoil. Help us help IDF soldiers with vital equipment, displaced families with basic needs, struggling families in the south with necessities and others who are suffering.
The Widows and Orphans Fund supports hundreds of families monthly with dignity, by coordinating a range of services for those who have experienced untimely loss.
Thousands of families in Israel can barely afford food year-round, let alone the exorbitant prices of matza, wine, and chicken at Pesach time. We can change that.
Help a bar mitzvah boy from a needy family celebrate his special milestone, with sponsorship of tefillin or a bar mitzvah package. Twinning with your loved one's bar mitzvah is a beautiful and meaningful way to commemorate your simcha.