American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

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Freedom From Poverty?

Pesach is coming and anticipation is in the air. Your family will gather around the seder table with your finest crystal and china sparkling. Faces will shine above beautiful, new holiday clothing. Matzo will be piled high as a sumptuous meal awaits. You recline on a pillow drinking four glasses of wine and feel the joy of freedom. It's hard to even imagine that there are tens of thousands of families in Israel who don't have the means to celebrate Pesach. But the latest oficial poverty reports clearly state that there are.

Poverty is a vicious cycle. It begins with hunger, but it doesn’t end there. Poverty steals dignity. Poverty replaces the warmth of happy homes with blame, frustration, and despair. It's hard to celebrate freedom in such an environment.

Tens of thousands of families in Israel can barely afford food year-round, let alone the exorbitant prices of matzo, wine, and chicken at Pesach time. Every Jew yearns for a beautiful family seder- but for some, the yearning remains unfulfilled.

You can change that. Your donation can bring joy and celebration. You can transform the holiday for a family in need.

Yad Eliezer’s Solution

Your donations will allow Yad Eliezer to provide chicken and supermarket vouchers to thousands of people in Israel this Pesach. Bulk chicken purchases allow Yad Eliezer to purchase large quantities at cost price and distribute them all over the country.

Needy families receive ten chickens and some $180 in supermarket vouchers to feed them throughout the week of Passover. Families also recieve financial aid. In order to avoid embarrassment, discrete neighborhood distributors throughout Israel welcome the poor to their homes to pick up the chickens and vouchers.

Last year, we distributed over $1 million worth of matzo, chicken, wine, and other holiday essentials to thousands of needy families. This Pesach, with your help, we hope to make an even bigger difference.

This year, your donation can go even further, as a generous donor has offered to match every contribution by 50%. This means for every $2 donated, another$1 will be added to it- making it worth 3!

Join us now!

Give the gift of freedom. This year, share the dignity. Double your celebration by sharing your freedom with the hungry of Israel.


Matanot L'evyonim, Purim Donations

This year, celebrate Purim with us! Your matanot l’evyonim donations feed thousands of families in Israel.


Winter Warmth Campaign

Join us in distributing new, quality winter coats and thick quilts for those who can't afford to purchase them. Keep families warm this winter.


Widows and Orphans Fund

The Widows and Orphans Fund supports hundreds of families monthly with dignity, by coordinating a range of services for those who have experienced untimely loss.


Electricity Support

Provide emergency relief for suffering families by ensuring their lights, heat and other necessities can stay connected.


Emergency Financial Assistance Fund

We provide emergency financial assistance for thousands of families each year. Please support this life saving project by giving generously.


Meron Crisis Relief Campaign

We are here to anticipate the needs of victims' families, providing them with a shoulder to lean on while they try to make their way through this unimaginable crisis.


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