American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

Donating in USD


17th of Tammuz & 9th of Av

Show ahavat chinam, help bring joy and relief during the saddest 3 weeks of the Jewish year.


Holidays for IDF soldiers

While we celebrate the holidays, IDF soldiers defend us on the front lines. Some of them live in poverty and cannot afford proper holiday meals. Let’s not forget them. Together we can give them a taste of the holidays!


Stand With Israel

The tragedies of October 7th have thrown countless lives into turmoil. Help us help IDF soldiers with vital equipment, displaced families with basic needs, struggling families in the south with necessities and others who are suffering.


Winter Warmth Campaign

Join us in distributing new, quality winter coats and thick quilts for those who can't afford to purchase them. Keep families warm this winter.


Year End

Your year end, tax deductible gift can change lives through our 20+ social service programs. Every donation makes a difference.


Sponsor a Bar Mitzvah Through Our Twinning Program

Help a bar mitzvah boy from a needy family celebrate his special milestone, with sponsorship of tefillin or a bar mitzvah package. Twinning with your loved one's bar mitzvah is a beautiful and meaningful way to commemorate your simcha.


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