American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

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Widows and Orphans Fund

The Widows and Orphans Fund supports hundreds of families monthly with dignity, by coordinating a range of services for those who have experienced untimely loss.


17th of Tammuz & 9th of Av

Show ahavat chinam, help bring joy and relief during the saddest 3 weeks of the Jewish year.


Summer Relief Campaign

With impoverished kids stuck at home, leaving parents unable to go to work, the loss of income makes an already difficult situation even worse. No money to buy food or pay the electric bill makes summer unbearable. We can bring relief.


Help the Needy of Israel on Passover

Thousands of families in Israel can barely afford food year-round, let alone the exorbitant prices of matza, wine, and chicken at Pesach time. We can change that.


Purim Cards

Send these cheerful cards to your friends and relatives in lieu of mishloach manot, and help needy families in Israel celebrate Purim at the same time!


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