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Zlotowitz Bas Mitzvah - Yad Eliezer

A Most Meaningful Celebration

Monday, December 24, 2012

What does the term bar or bat mitzvah really mean? A big party with lots of presents and fancy new clothes? Perhaps, but the essence of the celebration is that a child has become mature enough to appreciate the responsibility of performing mitzvos. Is there a better way one could celebrate this milestone than by sharing in the mitzvah of preparing food boxes to send to needy families?

When Bubby Zlotowitz was planning a trip to Israel with her five post-bat mitzvah aged grand-daughters, she wanted it to be loads and fun, and deeply meaningful. When the girls first heard that would be spending the afternoon packing food boxes they were not impressed, but by the time they were finished, the joy of the mitzvah had captivated them and they were glad that they had come, a highlight of their trip.

A big Mazel Tov to the Zlotowitz family on their bat mitzvah celebrations, and may all of our lives be filled with fun and meaningful good deeds!!!

Click Here for Pictures of the Zlotowitz Family


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