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auditorium full of hundreds of boys near a stage

Our Summer Support Just Keeps Expanding

We're sending over 900 boys to day camp

Monday, August 19, 2024

It started with funding for children in cities throughout Israel. Then it continued with 3,000+ children in Ofakim, Tifrach and Netivot. And now, we are helping an additional 900+ boys in Ofakim. All are attending kaytanot (day camps) this summer thanks to B'ezri's Summer Relief Campaign

Coordinators and gabbei tzedaka in Ofakim estimated that if B'ezri was able to subsidize camp fees, an astounding 500-600 boys would register. After an especially difficult war-torn 10 months in this southern city, children (and parents alike) are in desperate need of some fun and relaxation over the summer. But with costs of living particularly high, families cannot afford the usual costs of camp on their own.

It turns out the demand was even higher. "Thanks to B'ezri's sponsorships for kaytanot, no family could refuse. For many boys, this is the first time in their lives that they have registered for camp-and we have over 900 boys enrolled! This is B'ezri at its best."


Helping thousands of children have a fun summer is just the tip of the iceberg, with tzedaka funds also going out to 1700 grushos to help with their families' expenses over the summer, along with an extra summer stipend for all 900+ women in our Keren Almanos.

This kind of help is so impactful. When we talk about making a difference as an Israeli charity, our Summer Relief Campaign is the perfect example of how we do that. And donor support makes it all possible! 


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