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A Summer Sigh of Relief for Over 1700 Grushos

Our support is getting them through

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

As a best charity for Israel and its needy families, B’ezri always looks for innovative ways to help those who are struggling. We’re constantly working to identify where our support is most needed. Being in the chesed "business" for more than four decades has given us plenty of experience and one of the many things we’ve learned over the years is that there is one socioeconomic group that often goes unseen when it comes to tzedaka: grushos (divorced women).

In recognition of that, B’ezri makes concerted efforts throughout the year to provide assistance to grushos and their families, to ease the burdens they shoulder alone. This includes (but is in no way limited to) our Agunos, Grushos & Melamdim program which enables them to buy chickens for Shabbos, extra aid for holidays including special food packages to help with Shavuos preparations, ensuring they are included in our Winter Warmth coat and blanket distributions, and support for various urgent needs.

Help with summer expenses

With summer at its peak, we now have another opportunity to alleviate the stress in homes of grushos. This time of year is one of increased hardship for needy families, when expenses are especially high. Grushos have it harder, with one person carrying the load and few people stepping in to lighten it.

But we’re there.
We're allocating a special summer distribution that is reaching 1737 grushos, 442 from the southern region alone and 1295 from the rest of the country. Each will receive 1000 NIS to help with her higher food bills, electricity costs, childcare, urgent expenses due to the war,
and other assorted necessities.

Our work creates awareness and inspiration

It’s thanks to our working relationships with our network of gabbei tzedaka throughout the country that we can ensure the aid (for this project and all our programs) is allocated to homes who are most in need. As a matter of fact, the gabbei tzedaka have noticed our special attention to grushos and have even adjusted their giving and programs accordingly. One writes:

“Last week we held a sale of discounted kavodic clothing in our community. The night of the sale we remembered there were two grushos who we thought might not be able to participate in it. We, the gabbaim, called them to convince them to take part in the sale and told them that we would pay for the clothes they ordered. I can't describe their excitement.
Our feeling is that this awareness, this special attention to grushos, is solely due to your influence!! The continuous and preferential treatment you give to grushos has changed our thinking and provided us with a special perception and attention to them. Thank you for that!”

Needless to say, we at B’ezri are extremely proud of the awareness we're creating and the impact we're making - through this initiative and all the others. You can take pride, too, knowing that with every dollar you donate you are genuinely making a difference in people’s lives-helping them breathe a sigh of relief.

Join us today!



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