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Summer Camp for 1000+ Kids!

We're making this summer a much better one

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Thanks to B'ezri's Summer Relief campaign (which, true to its name, is bringing relief to thousands of families over the summer for seasonal needs) 1,000 Ofakim children will be able to attend day camp during the next few weeks. 

It’s a critical help.

A large percentage of this southern development town’s families live at low socioeconomic levels, frequently struggling to stay afloat, unable to supply the most basic necessities in their homes. To alleviate some of the struggle, in previous years the local municipality provided free day camps for residents, ensuring every child, regardless of their family’s budget, could participate in safe and structured summer programs. But in a year that has seen the city upended and lives overturned by war, this summer the camp benefit was not available, increasing families’ already severe uncertainty and anxiety. What do parents do with housefuls of children if school is out and no childcare is available?

Enter B’ezri.
Through our Summer Relief campaign we are subsidizing (highly!) camp fees for 1000 of the city’s children. This support guarantees they have solid programming over the next few weeks, so kids’ routines are maintained and parents can continue to go to work. The aid benefits everyone, nurturing a sense of stability and normality in their lives-especially important now.
But that’s not all. Our campaign is reaching thousands of other needy families in cities throughout the country with support for camp fees in their towns plus food, utility and assorted expenses that accrue during the summer months. Our goal, as always, is to ease their strain in the most effective ways possible.

Your tzedaka makes it happen, empowering us to reach the top of the Israeli charities list. 
Help us get families through these long, hot and difficult days through our Summer Relief campaign and bring the relief they desperately need.


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