yad eliezer devoted to israel

American Friends of Yad Eliezer now partners with B'ezri

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Help Israel Today with B'ezri+Charidy!

We need your support for suffering families & soldiers!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri is working with Charidy to benefit our emergency Stand With Israel campaign, supporting Israeli families and IDF soldiers during this incredibly difficult time. You can help us meet our $3 million dollar goal!

Donating through Charidy is easy, fast and effective. Click here to create a team for your family and friends, and you'll generate a donation link you can send them. It's easy to do and very rewarding to watch as their contributions help you reach the goal you choose.

Donations will help tremendously, enabling us to send urgent aid to families (including toys & games for those in shelters & those who've been displaced) and soldiers (with winter jackets and other personal items) who are going through so much trauma and difficulty. We are consistently reassesing what they need and sending new forms of help out on a continual basis.

One donor's 13 year old daughter saw her creating a campaign and said, "Hey, I want to make a team!"
Her sweet email, sent to grandparents, aunts and uncles, explaining that she wanted to help Israeli families, was all it took and she raised $1800 in one night alone!

This initiative is a perfect way to donate to Israel in one of the most frightening times in its modern history. And when the link is sent from someone they know, people are especially quick to jump at the opportunity to help.

Please join us-the need is overwhelming! Click here to reach our Charidy page.


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