yad eliezer devoted to israel

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two young boys on beach playing in sand with bucket

A Big Help during Bein HaZmanim

by S. family

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Dear B'ezri,

I would like to take the time to thank you for being so generous. It is such a big help for us during the Bein HaZmanim season. We B”H have a large family ranging in so many ages. There are so many expenses involved in keeping the children busy, happy and entertained. With this money we were able to do something special that we would not have been able to do otherwise. The extra revach that this money provided us with was so helpful. It gave us the ability to be able to manage this busy, expensive time a little better. Thank you so much! May you be benched with lots of hatzlacha, bracha and special Siyata Dishmaya in all your endeavors!

With much appreciation,
Mishpachat S.

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