yad eliezer devoted to israel

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blue tray with dental tools

I just want to smile at my children

by Batsheva W.

Monday, May 15, 2023

I’d like to express my deep thanks and appreciation. I was at a complete loss. Twenty years of dental problems- infections, terrible pains, loss of teeth. And everything worsened this last year.

I reached a point at which I couldn’t even chew bread and of course, I couldn’t smile or speak, because I had no teeth.
I cried out to Hashem, “Abba, I am without a husband.
At least can I have teeth so I can begin to eat and to laugh without embarrassment? To smile at my children?”

And the yeshua arrived. I appealed to B’ezri and after just a few days they let me know they’d deposit help into my account for dental treatment! Tears of gratitude fell from my eyes the moment I got the news.
It’s so moving to know that there are people like you, who so willingly give generously from their hearts.

Thank you to the Borei Olam and his Shlichim! I don’t have enough words in the world that can express my honest appreciation for all the good and the Chesed you’ve done for me. You threw me a lifesaver when I felt like I was drowning. It is a true hatzala for me.

I wish, with all my heart, that Bracha will always be upon you in everything you do. And may you be zoche to see Hashem’s Brachot. May you only find success wherever you go. And may happy days fill your lives.

With great thanks and appreciation,
Batsheva W.  


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